

    HnRStar: an implementation of the R*-Tree index structure
    Version 1.0 12/02/97

    Copyright (C) 1997 Norio Katayama

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
    MA 02111-1307, USA

    $Id: README,v 1.2 1997/12/04 03:19:48 katayama Exp $


Tested platforms:

    (1) Hardware         : SPARCstation-20
        Operating System : SunOS 5.4, SunOS 5.5
        Compiler         : GNU C++ 2.7.2, SPARCompiler 4.0

    (2) Hardware         : SPARCstation-2
        Operating System : SunOS 4.1.3
        Compiler         : GNU C++

How to compile:

    (1) run `configure' in this directory.

	% ./configure

	You can specify the initial values for variables by setting
        them in the environment. For example, you can specify the name
        of the C and C++ compilers by setting them to the variable
        `CC' and `CXX' respectively.

		$ CC=cc CXX=CC ./configure

		% env CC=cc CXX=CC ./configure

    (2) run `make' as follows:

	% make includes
	% make all

How to install:

	% make install

How to test:

   (0) compile source files by following the above instructions.

   (1) change the working directory to the `test' directory.

	% cd test

   (2) run the `doTest' script.

	% doTest

How to use:

    Sorry, no documentation is available. Please, refer to the
    following descriptions and the sample programs contained in
    the `c++-samples' and the `c-samples' directories.

    (1) header files

	    (C  ) HnRStar.h

	    (C++) HnRStarFile.hh

	    This library has two language interfaces:
	    the C language interface and the C++ language interface.
	    The header file `HnRStar.h' is provided for the C users
	    and `HnRStarFile.hh' is for the C++ users.

    (2) libraries

	    (C and C++) libHnRStar.a

	    Although this library has the C language interface, the
	    body of this library is written in C++. Therefore, a C++
	    linker is required to link your object files with this
	    library even if your object files are compiled only with
	    the C compiler.

    (3) creating an R*-tree file
	    (C  ) HnRStar *HnRStarCreate(const char *path,
			     	  	 int dimension,
			     	         int dataSize,
			     	         int blockSize,
			     	         int splitFactor,
			     	         int reinsertFactor

            (C++) HnRStarFile new_HnRStarFile(const char *path,
                                              int dimension,
                                              int dataSize,
                                              int blockSize,
                                              int splitFactor,
                                              int reinsertFactor

	    These functions create an R*-tree file and return the
	    pointer to a data structure associated with that file.

	    	path           : the name of an R*-tree file
                dimension      : the dimensionality of the search space
		dataSize       : the size of an attribute associated
				 with each leaf entry
		blockSize      : the size of a block (or bucket)
				 (typically 8192)
		splitFactor    : the minimum utilization factor of a
				 block (specified in percent)
				 (typically 40)
		reinsertFactor : the percentage of entries to be reinserted
				 on a forced reinsertion
				 (typically 30)

	    The function `new_HnRStarFile()' of the C++ interface is
	    not equivalent to the expression `new HnRStarFile()' 
	    which invokes the `new' operator. `new_HnRStarFile()' is
	    a special function to instantiate an object of the class
	    `HnRStarFile'. This library takes the Java semantics for
            object instantiation. The variables are allocated only for
            referencing objects and objects are instantiated only by
            special constructors whose name starts with the string
            `new_'. The instantiated objects are automatically
            reclaimed on losing references to themselves.

    (4) opening an R*-tree for reading or updating

	    (C  ) HnRStar *HnRStarUpdate(const char *path);
		  HnRStar *HnRStarOpen(const char *path);      

	    (C++) HnRStarFile new_HnRStarFile(const char *path,
					      const char *mode);

	    These functions open an R*-tree file for reading or updating.

		path : the name of an R*-tree file
		mode : the access mode for opening an R*-tree file

	    In the C language interface, the function `HnRStarUpdate()'
	    opens an R*-tree file for updating. On the other hand, the
	    function `HnRStarOpen()' opens an R*-tree file for reading.

	    Upon successful completion, both return the pointer to a
	    data structure associated with that file. Otherwise,
	    a null pointer is returned and errno is set to indicate
	    the error.

	    In the C++ language interface, the variable `mode'
	    specifies the access mode for opening an R*-tree file.
	    Mode "r" is for reading and mode "rw" is for updating. 

	    Upon successful completion, the function returns an object
	    of the class `HnRStarFile' which is associated with that
	    opened file. Otherwise, the constant `HnRStarFile::null'
	    is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.

    (5) closing an R*-tree file

	    (C  ) void HnRStarClose(HnRStar *file);

	    (C++) void file.close(void);

	    These functions close an R*-tree file.

		file : the pointer to a data structure associated with
		       an R*-tree file

    (6) storing a rectangle into an R*-tree file.

	    (C  ) void HnRStarStore(HnRStar *file,
				    const HnRStarRange ranges[],
				    const void *ptr,
				    int size

	    (C++) void HnRect &rect,
				  const HnData &data

	    These functions store a rectangle into an R*-tree file.
	    The current implementation imposes no restriction for
	    duplication. This reduces the overhead on insertion.
	    The same rectangle-attribute pairs can be duplicated.
	    Duplication does not harm the functionality of this

		file   : the pointer to a data structure associated with
			 an R*-tree file
		ranges : the ranges of a rectangle at each dimension
		ptr    : the pointer to an attribute to be stored
			 with a rectangle
		size   : the size of an attribute

		rect   : a rectangle being stored
		data   : an attribute being stored

	    In the C language interface, the type `HnRStarRange' is
            used. It is defined in the header file `HnRStar.h' as

		typedef struct {
		        double min;
		        double max;
		} HnRStarRange;

	    where `min' is the lowest bound and `max' is the highest
	    bound of a range.

	    In the C++ language interface, the class `HnRect' is
	    used. An object of the class `HnRect' can be created in
	    the following way:

		HnRect rect;

		rect = new_HnRect(dimension);
		for (i=0; i<dimension; i++)
			rect.setRange(min[i], HnRange::INCLUSIVE,
				      max[i], HnRange::INCLUSIVE,

	    where it is supposed that the dimensionality of the object
            is given by the variable `dimension' and its range of each
            dimension is given by the arrays `min[]' and `max[]'.

	    An object of the class `HnData' can be created in the
	    following way:

		HnData data;

	      	data = new_HnData(ptr, size);

	    where it is supposed that the content of the object is
	    given by a byte string whose location is `ptr' and whose
	    size is `size'.

    (7) removing a rectangle from an R*-tree file.

	    (C  ) void HnRStarRemove(HnRStar *file,
				     const HnRStarRange ranges[],
				     const void *ptr,
				     int size

	    (C++) void file.remove(const HnRect &rect, const HnData &data);

	    These functions remove a rectangle from an R*-tree file.
	    Only a rectangle having the same coordinates and the same
	    attribute is removed. Rectangles with different attributes
	    are intact.

		file   : the pointer to a data structure associated with
			 an R*-tree file
		ranges : the ranges of a rectangle to be removed
		ptr    : the pointer to an attribute to be removed
			 with a rectangle
		size   : the size of an attribute to be removed

		rect   : a rectangle being removed
		data   : an attribute being removed

    (8) running a nearest neighbor search

	    (C  ) void HnRStarGetNeighbors(HnRStar *file,
					   const double coords[],
					   int numNeighbors,
					   HnRStarRecord **records_return,
					   int *numRecords_return

	    (C++) void file.getNeighbors(const HnPoint &point,
					 int numNeighbors,
					 HnRectArray *rects_return,
					 HnDataArray *values_return

	    These functions run a nearest neighbor search, i.e., they
	    search the given number of rectangles that are the nearest to
	    a given point.

		file              : the pointer to a data structure
				    associated with an R*-tree file
		coords            : the coordinates of a target point
	        numNeighbors      : the number of rectangles to be found
		records_return    : records of nearest rectangles
		numRecords_return : the number of nearest rectangles

		point             : the target point
		rects_return      : nearest rectangles
		values_return     : attributes of nearest rectangles

            The `numNeighbors' is not necessarily the maximum number
	    of rectangles to be obtained. If the farthest rectangle of
	    a result set has multiple rectangles at the same rank,
	    they are also included in the result set.

	    In the C language interface, the type `HnRStarRecord' is
            used. It is defined in the header file `HnRStar.h' as

		typedef struct {
		        HnRStarRange *ranges;
		        void *data;
		        int size;
		} HnRStarRecord;

	    where `ranges' is the array of ranges of a rectangle,
	    `data' is the pointer to its attribute, and `size' is the
	    size of the attribute. Records being returned by the
	    function `HnRStarGetNeighbors()' are allocated by that
	    function and released on its next invocation.

	    For example, the coordinates and the attributes of nearest
	    rectangles can be obtained as follows:

		HnRStar *file;
		double coords[DIMENSION];
		int numNeighbors;
		HnRStarRecord *records;
		int numRecords;
		int i, j;


		(open an R*-tree and set `coords' and `numNeighbors')


		HnRStarGetNeighbors(file, coords, numNeighbors,
				    &records, &numRecords);

		for (i=0; i<numRecords; i++) {
			double minCoords[DIMENSION];
			double maxCoords[DIMENSION];
			void *data;
			int size;

			for (j=0; j<DIMENSION; j++) {
				minCoords[j] = records[i].ranges[j].min;
				maxCoords[j] = records[i].ranges[j].max;
			data = records[i].data;	
			size = records[i].size;

	    In the C++ language interface, the class `HnRectArray'
	    and `HnDataArray' are used. The former is the array of
	    instances of the class `HnRect' and the latter is the
	    array of instances of the class `HnData'.

	    For example, the coordinates and the attributes of nearest
	    rectangles can be obtained in the following way:

		HnRStarFile file;
		HnPoint target;
		int numNeighbors;
		HnRectArray rects;
		HnDataArray values;
		int i, j;


		(open an R*-tree and set `target' and `numNeighbors')


		file.getNeighbors(target, numNeighbors, &rects, &values);

		for (i=0; i<rects.length(); i++) {
			double minCoords[DIMENSION];
			double maxCoords[DIMENSION];
			char *data;
			int size;

			for (j=0; j<DIMENSION; j++) {
				minCoords[j] = rects[i].getRange(j).getMin();
				maxCoords[j] = rects[i].getRange(j).getMax();
			data = values[i].chars();
			size = values[i].length();

    (9) running a range search

	    (C  ) void HnRStarGetFirst(HnRStar *file,
				       const HnRStarRange ranges[],
				       HnRStarRecord **record_return
	    	  void HnRStarGetNext(HnRStar *file,
		     		      HnRStarRecord **record_return

	    (C++) void file.getFirst(HnRect *rect_return,
				     HnData *value_return
		  void file.getFirst(const HnRect &region,
                                     HnRect *rect_return,
				     HnData *value_return
		  void file.getNext(HnRect *rect_return,
			            HnData *value_return

	    These functions run a range search, i.e., they search
	    rectangles within a given region.

		file          : the pointer to a data structure associated
                                with an R*-tree file
		ranges        : the array of a range of the target region
		record_return : a record of an obtained rectangle

		region        : the target region
		rect_return   : an obtained rectangle
		value_return  : the attribute of an obtained rectangle

	    Records returned by the function `HnRStarGetFirst()' and
            `HnRStarGetNext()' are allocated by these functions and
	    released on their next invocation.

	    For example, the coordinates and the attributes of
	    rectangles within a region can be obtained as follows:

		HnRStar *file;
		HnRStarRange ranges[DIMENSION];
		HnRStarRecord *record;
		int i;


		(open an R*-tree and set `ranges')


		HnRStarGetFirst(file, ranges, &record);

		while (record != NULL) {
			double minCoords[DIMENSION];
			double maxCoords[DIMENSION];
			void *data;
			int size;

			for (i=0; i<DIMENSION; i++) {
				minCoords[i] = record->ranges[i].min;
				maxCoords[i] = record->ranges[i].max;
			data = record->data;	
			size = record->size;

			HnRStarGetNext(file, &record);

	    If the NULL is given to the second argument of
	    `HnRStarGetFirst()', every rectangle in a tree is obtained.

	    With the C++ language interface, the coordinates and the
	    attributes of the rectangles within a region can be
	    obtained in the following way:

		HnRStarFile file;
		HnRect region;
		HnRect rect;
		HnData value;
		int i;


		(open an R*-tree and set `region')


		file.getFirst(region, &rect, &value);

		while (rect != HnRect::null) {
			double minCoords[DIMENSION];
			double maxCoords[DIMENSION];
			char *data;
			int size;

			for (i=0; i<DIMENSION; i++) {
				minCoords[i] = rect.getRange(i).getMin();
				maxCoords[i] = rect.getRange(i).getMax();
			data = value.chars();
			size = value.length();

			file.getNext(&rect, &value);

	    If the function `getFirst(&rect, &values)' is used
	    instead of the function `getFirst(region, &rect, &value)',
	    every rectangle in a tree is obtained.


	Version 1.0 is released.